Keyboard and Symbol Codes | |
Please note that each of these Keyboard and Symbol codes below can include three (3) additional parameters.
The additional parameters are: 1) Repeat Times, 2) Hold Down Time in ms, and 3) Release Time in ms.
For example the code {Spacebar,2,100,300} tells the computer to hold the spacebar down for 100 milliseconds and then release it and wait for 300 milliseconds. This is to be perform two times. The extra parameters are optional and the code could be simply entered as: {Spacebar} or {Spacebar,2} if you just wanted the spacebar pressed twice. | |
Code | Action Performed |
{A} | a |
{B} | b |
{C} | c |
{D} | d |
{E} | e |
{F} | f |
{G} | g |
{H} | h |
{I} | i |
{J} | j |
{K} | k |
{L} | l |
{M} | m |
{N} | n |
{O} | o |
{P} | p |
{Q} | q |
{R} | r |
{S} | s |
{T} | t |
{U} | u |
{V} | v |
{W} | w |
{X} | x |
{Y} | y |
{Z} | z |
{Add} | |
{Apps} | |
{At} | At Symbol (@) |
{@} | At Symbol (@) |
{Backspace} | Backspace Key |
{Bksp} | Backspace Key |
{Break} | Backspace Key |
{Bs} | Backspace Key |
{Capslock} | |
{Caret} | Symbol: ^ |
{^} | Symbol: ^ |
{Clear} | |
{Colon} | Symbol: : |
{Comma} | Symbol: , |
{Decimal} | Symbol: . |
{Del} | Delete Key |
{Delete} | Delete Key |
{Divide} | Symbol: / |
{Down} | Down Arrow |
{End} | End Key |
{Enter} | Enter Key |
{Esc} | Escape Key |
{Escape} | Escape Key |
{F1} | F1 |
{F10} | F10 |
{F11} | F11 |
{F12} | F12 |
{F13} | F13 |
{F14} | F14 |
{F15} | F15 |
{F16} | F16 |
{F2} | F2 |
{F3} | F3 |
{F4} | F4 |
{F5} | F5 |
{F6} | F6 |
{F7} | F7 |
{F8} | F8 |
{F9} | F9 |
{Gt} | Symbol: > |
{Help} | |
{Home} | Home Key |
{Hyphen} | Symbol: - |
{Ins} | Insert Key |
{Insert} | Insert Key |
{Left} | Left Arrow |
{Leftbrace} | Symbol: { |
{Leftparen} | Symbol: ( |
{Leftangle} | Symbol: < |
{{} | Symbol: { |
{(} | Symbol: ( |
{Lwin} | Left Windows Key |
{Lt} | Symbol: < |
{<} | Symbol: < |
{Play} | Multimedia Keyboard |
{Pause} | Multimedia Keyboard |
{Stop} | Multimedia Keyboard |
{Next Track} | Multimedia Keyboard |
{Prev Track} | Multimedia Keyboard |
{Volume Down} | Multimedia Keyboard |
{Volume Up} | Multimedia Keyboard |
{Mute} | Multimedia Keyboard |
{Multiply} | |
{Numlock} | |
{Numpad0} | |
{Numpad1} | |
{Numpad2} | |
{Numpad3} | |
{Numpad4} | |
{Numpad5} | |
{Numpad6} | |
{Numpad7} | |
{Numpad8} | |
{Numpad9} | |
{Percent} | Symbol: % |
{%} | Symbol: % |
{Period} | Symbol: . |
{Pgdn} | Page Down Key |
{Pgup} | Page Up Key |
{Plus} | Symbol: + |
{+} | Symbol: + |
{Prtsc} | Print Screen Key |
{Right} | Right Arrow |
{Rightbrace} | Symbol: } |
{Rightparen} | Symbol: ) |
{Rightangle} | Symbol: > |
{)} | Symbol: ) |
{}} | Symbol: } |
{>} | Symbol: > |
{Rwin} | Right Windows Key |
{Scroll} | Scroll Lock |
{Semicolon} | Symbol: ; |
{Separator} | |
{Snapshot} | |
{Spacebar} | Spacebar |
{Subtract} | Symbol: - |
{-} | Symbol: - |
{Tab} | Tab Key |
{Tilde} | Symbol: ~ |
{~} | Symbol: ~ |
{Up} | Up Arrow Key |
{Win} | Left Windows Key |
Additional Cursor Movement Functions | |
Simple | |
{Up} | Up Arrow |
{Down} | Down Arrow |
{Left} | Left Arrow |
{Right} | Right Arrow |
{PgUp} | Page Up |
{PgDn} | Page Down |
Advanced | |
{Cursor Right} | Move cursor right until you say: "Stop" |
{Cursor Left} | Move cursor left until you say: "Stop" |
{Cursor Up} | Move cursor up until you say: "Stop" |
{Cursor Down} | Move cursor down until you say: "Stop" |
Mouse Button Functions | |
Simple | |
{Mouseleftclick} | Mouse Left Click |
{Mouseleftdblclick} | Mouse Left Dbl Click |
{Mouseleftdown} | Mouse Left Hold Down |
{Mouseleftup} | Mouse Left Let Up |
{Mouserightclick} | Mouse Right Click |
{Mouserightdblclick} | Mouse Right Dbl Click |
{Mouserightdown} | Mouse Right Hold Down |
{Mouserightup} | Mouse Right Let Up |
{MouseTimedClick,1} | Mouse Left Click |
{MouseTimedLeftClick,1} | Mouse Left Click |
MouseTimedClick The MouseTimedClick action code must have at least 1 extra parameter and can take three optional parameters that indicate the number of times to repeat the click, the number of milliseconds to hold the button down and the number of milliseconds to wait after releasing the mouse button. For example, the code {MouseTimedClick,1,160,400} will click the left mouse button once and hold it down for 160 milliseconds and release it for 400 milliseconds before continuing. The code {MouseTimedClick,10,100,200} will click the left mouse button ten times and each time hold it down for 100 milliseconds and release it for 200 milliseconds before continuing. | |
Advanced | |
Most of the above Mouse Button commands can take two optional parameters that indicate the window coordinates at which the specified action is to be performed. For example, the code {MouseLeftClick,160,40} will move the window coordinates y=160,x=40 and press the left mouse button. You are not expected to know the window coordinates of each button or image on the programs you use. However, you can implement these codes using the Add Mouse Click function (below). | |
Move the mouse to a spot on the window where you would like to click the mouse button, then say: "Add Mouse Click". The computer will record the mouse's position and create a {MouseLeftClick,y-coord,x-coord} for you. All you have to do is enter the phrase to say when you want to execute this code. | |
Super Complex | |
Each of the above Mouse Button commands could take Modifier keys and parameters to determine repeat, hold down time, and up time.
For example, the code {MouseLeftClick} can be modified using {ShiftDown} as in:
| |
{add mouse click} | |
Mouse Movement Functions | |
{MouseFaster} | |
{MouseSlower} | |
{MouseStop} | |
{MouseMoveUp} | |
{MouseMoveRight} | |
{MouseMoveDown} | |
{MouseMoveLeft} | |
{MouseTo} | Please note: the MouseTo code requires either 2 or 3 parameters. The parameters are: 1) y-percentage, 2) x-percentage, and 3) degree from vertical. For example, the code {MouseTo,50,0} tells the computer to move the mouse to the 50th percent of the height of the window (y-axis) and the x-axis position remains unchanged. The code {MouseTo,,,60} tells the computer to move the mouse away from its current position along the path that is 60 degrees from the vertical axis. If you're good at math, you can figure out that {MouseTo,,,90} is the same as {MouseMoveRight}. |
Listening Modes | |
{Standby} | |
{Resume} | |
Working with Windows | |
{Maximize} | |
{Minimize} | |
{Scroll Down} | |
{Scroll Up} | |
{Scroll Right} | |
{Scroll Left} | |
Dictation and Text-to-speech | |
{Start Dictation} | |
{Read All Text} | |
{Stop Reading} | |
{pause reading} | |
{resume reading} | |
{read faster} | |
{read slower} | |
{skip ahead} | |
{skip back} | |
Adding Commands, Words, Training | |
{add word} | |
{train word} | |
{train voice} | |
{add new} | |
Modifier Keys | |
{ShiftDown} | |
{ShiftUp} | |
{AltDown} | |
{AltUp} | |
{CtrlDown} | |
{CtrlUp} | |
{LWinDown} | |
{LWinUp} |