
Options (tab)

Use this tab to set various e-Speaking options. View a Flash Demo of this function.

Attention Modes

  1. Key to Toggle On/Off Allows the use of a pre-defined key to toggle the microphone on and off. Check the box to have e-Speaking prompt you for which key you wish to use. This would be the most frequently used attention mode for general users.
  2. Key Push to Talk Allows the use of a pre-defined key that must be pressed in order to activate the microphone. Once the key is released, the microphone turns off. Check the box to have e-Speaking prompt you for which key you wish to use. This mode would be useful in situations where there could be a high level of random background noise and you don't want the computer to respond to any commands unless you are at the keyboard pressing the "Push to Talk" key.
  3. Listen for Command Allows the use of a pre-defined voice keyword that must be spoken in order to get the computer's attention. Once the keyword was spoken, the computer will listen for voice commands for a pre-defined attention span of 10 to 60 seconds. I find this Attention Mode to be similar to giving a name to your computer. For example, you could set the Attention keyword to the name: "Vicky". Then, whenever you gave that command, Vicky would respond by saying "Yes" and would have your attention for a set period of time. This Attention mode would be useful in situations where there is no keyboard (a home theatre PC) or where you seldom use voice commands.
Flash Demo